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Application to the clan

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:17 am
by LonelyRider
LonelyRider's application to =ST6=

Real name: Dan


Country: United Kingdom (England)

Timezone: GMT

Email Address:

Other games played Online: Star Wars Battlefront 2, Half life 2 Deathmatch, Counter Strike Source, Counter Strike Global Offensive, Battlefield 3, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Call of duty Black Ops 2, Call of duty Ghosts, ARMA 2, ARMA 3, America's Army 2, Gary's Mod, Payday 2, Crossfire, Combat Arms, Warrock, AVA, Halo 3, Halo 4

Past Clans/Guilds that you were a member of: OP4 (Battlefield Bad Company 2), Unknown Soldiers (Battlefield 4)

Currently a member of any clans/guilds: No that's Multi-clanning..I don't do that

Your BF4 in-game account name: LonelyRiderV3

Favourite Map: Metro

Favourite Class played: Assault

Tell us a little about your real self: I'm 19, I'm a student from England, I enjoy meeting new people and socialising, I have good people schools and I play well with others, I'm no slob, I spend my free time taking care of myself or getting work done. I'm a committed and hard working individual but I'm only saying this once because I believe in humility and modesty, I've played a lot of FPS games during my life time and been in many groups and clans. So what I bring to this clan is the ability to work with and communicate with others, to be committed to this clan and the ability to actually play BF4.

How did you hear about us or find us: Google search for a Battlefield 4 Clan named 'SEAL Team Six'..always wanted to be a Navy SEAL..

About how often do you play: 3+ Hours a day almost every day

Why do you want to join: I want to be part of a team, I've played this game for over a year and I've realised the difference an effective team can make to a game and that's even without the added aspect of teamspeak that actual Clans/Guilds have, I've also realised how a bad team can ruin the game for everyone, furthermore it's far more fun to play with people you like and know than random players, ultimately I want to be part of something bigger than just me playing by myself with 63 other people who don't generally communicate or work together, I chose your clan because I believe sometimes the Milsim aspect of some clans gets in the way of efficiency and the larger clans are harder to organise and work with, also it seems you guys realise that we can't all live Battlefield 4 and I respect that view. I also like from glancing at the mini-chat that you guys are like a community and I want to be part of that too.

Re: Application to the clan

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:32 pm
by Grim
:welcome: You are right in that we are much like a family around here! From reading your application I think you might fit in nicely!

When you get a chance please find our BF4 platoon and put a request in to join. You can click this link to take you there ... 057081406/

We also have members playing some other games like World of Tanks, World of Planes, War Thunder, and BF3.

We use Teamspeak3 mostly for communication when we are online and trying to get a group of us together but sometimes we will just use the in game comms too (like BF4). One of us will shoot you the TS3 info soon.

Hope to see you around!

=ST6=ADM. Grim